This section of the website contains information and reports relating to Qenos Botany Operations for use by the community and other stakeholders.

What to do in an emergency

Information about what to do in an emergency, including key actions that need to be taken if the community alarm sounds


Community Updates

Updates and information about current plant activities that may be of interest to the local community in Botany


Flare Operation at Botany

Information about the operation of flares at Qenos Botany


Qenos Botany PIRMP

Information on Qenos Botany's Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP)


Qenos Alkatuff Annual Report 2023

Information about the annual environmental review at Qenos Alkatuff Plant Botany


Monitoring Data

Annual compliance data for licensed discharge points at the Qenos Botany site


Botany Safety Case 2019

Information about Qenos Botany Industrial Park Safety Case and registration as a Major Hazard Facility (MHF)


Port Botany Safety Case 2019

Information about Qenos Hydrocarbon Terminal at Port Botany and registration as a Major Hazard Facility (MHF)


The Qenos Manufacturing Facilities at Botany are part of the Botany Industrial Park (BIP). Each year the Botany Industrial Park publishes a BIP Brochure and distributes it to the local neighbours.

Welcome to the 2012 edition of the Botany Industrial Park Pty Ltd (BIP) community information brochure. This brochure, first produced in 1994, describes the businesses that make up the BIP, our continuing commitment to safety, our environmental performance, and our improved community outreach programs. More importantly, it highlights the emergency management procedures for BIP and how you can contact us for more information.

2012 BIP Brochure